Monday, October 11, 2010

Just as LU gears up for renewed focus on slowing the attrition rate, the national media brings the item to the forefront again. Looking at the economic issues associated with dropout rates is alarming but it still doesn't override the imperative that our business is about educating and preparing students for the future. Education provides the best platform for people to live productive and happy lives. In addition, society as a whole benefits. Please hold the following two dates: October 25 at noon and November 15 at 2:00 p.m. The first is a Lunch and Learn on retention that will be held in the Dining Hall. The second is a workshop that will allow you to develop a retention plan for your unit. More to follow on both. The Writing Across the Curriculum Teaching and Learning Circle meeting held last Friday was terrific. Not only was the discussion lively but new ideas that should enhance the effectiveness of our writing curriculum emerged. The Circle is off to a strong start. Watch this space and the CTLE website for the next meeting date. If you are looking for a way to turbocharge your PowerPoint presentation, you must attend this Thursday's workshop "Creating Exciting Custom Vodcasts Using PowerPoint." There is still time to RSVP to

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