Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The call for applications for the 2012-13 cohort of Active and Collaborative Engagement for Students (ACES) is now open. We will be accepting applications through May 31. Two upcoming information session will be held in 622 MJGL: Thursday, May 10 at 3:30 PM and Wednesday, May 16 at 3:30 PM. Visit the ACES website for more detailed information or contact a member of the CT+LE staff for an application packet. Lee Bessette has written a fascinating blog post on peer-driven learning. Bessette says "This semester, I gave students the choice of either doing a traditional presentation over two classes or building something that they talk about for one class that the rest of the students could “play” with outside of class. One of the advantages of the peer-driven course is that the students know their material, which allows for a more immersive discussion, rather than a lecture that simply makes up the gaps in their informational knowledge. But, I have to be ready to jump in wherever the students are, instead of leading the students where I want them to go. It’s reactive, and I have to be able to react quickly, intelligently, and openly." At a recent CT+LE workshop the conversation turned to the idea of "flipping" as it relates to the classroom and active learning. Some folks seemed very open to the idea but some had concerns. What we learned from the fascinating conversation is that we could all use some more information to help us make a decision on whether flipping is for us. The folks at NC State have an ongoing project called FIZZ that focuses on flipping. Relying on the research that shows that engagement is at the core of student success, they have decided to focus on teaching instructors how to be more engaging while creating a classroom for 21st century learning. The Faculty Learning Communities Showcase will occur on Monday, May 14 from 2:30 until 4:30 PM in the Setzer Student Center Ballroom. The four FLC who have been hard at work during the 2011-12 Academic Year will be presenting their outcomes. In addition, you will have the opportunity to hear about plans for AY 2012-13. Come and enjoy refreshments and fellowship at the FLC Showcase. We are very excited to welcome Melonee Fife to the CT+LE. She is returning to LU after a recent stint at Sam Houston State and will serve as the office manager and coordinate all aspects of the QEP. Be sure to stop by and welcome Melonee who is located in 612 MJGL.

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