Thursday, April 28, 2011

Barbara Jacoby defines critical reflection as the process of analyzing, reconsidering, and questioning one's experiences within a broad context of issues and content knowledge. She claims that it offers a unique opportunity to allow students to enhance their critical thinking abilities. If you want to learn more about the process of critical reflection and how you can use it in your classroom, we are pleased to offer a 20 minute mentor podcast on this topic. You can borrow the dvd from CT+LE now. We have also recently acquired the dvd of a webinar presented by Dr. Ike Shibley titled "Balancing Challenge and Support in Undergraduate Teaching." This 90 minute dvd is packed with ideas and techniques that you can implement in your classroom immediately. The overall focus of the presentation is delivering learner-focused teaching. If you would like to borrow this dvd, contact the CT+LE staff as well. We want to encourage you to remind your students to complete their course evaluations. This provides valuable information that can help you become a better teacher. Hopefully this is a repeat of a survey you have used throughout the semester, if not in whole, at least in part through formative assessment. In this way, the final survey will demonstrate the improvement in instructional delivery your students have experienced through your self reflection. This is a topic we hope to explore more fully in the coming weeks so stay tuned.

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