Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am anxious to get a copy of a new novel by first time author Alex Kudera, who has written about a day in the life of an adjunct professor who teaches at four urban universities. Bringing a comedic slant to what we do is sure to be a crowd pleaser on campuses around the world. Looking forward to October 8. That is when the Writing Across the Curriculum Teaching and Learning Circle will gather to discuss Elizabeth Wardle's excellent article "Understanding ‘Transfer’ from FYC: Preliminary Results of a Longitudinal Study." There is still time to join by simply contacting Circle Facilitator Melissa Hudler at melissa.hudler@lamar.edu. I hope you received the email yesterday announcing the upcoming workshop on students with disabilities to be delivered by Callie Trahan. The resources available for helping students overcome challenges have never been better. LU is blessed to have a diverse population of students and this workshop promises to be very beneficial.

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