Monday, November 15, 2010

The Presidents’ Alliance for Excellence in Student Learning and Accountability was mentioned a few weeks ago in a post that talked about a renewed commitment to teaching and learning. Now there is new reaction out today. One of the responses mentioned the Degree Qualifications Profile being developed by the Lumina Foundation which will provide a framework of specific student learning outcomes that define the associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees by showing at each level what students should know and be able to do with their knowledge. We had a spirited discussion at the retention workshop today. There are some terrific efforts occurring specifically in the Nursing Department and STARS that should and can be replicated. This is a conversation that needs to continue. By the way, research has shown that faculty and students who mutually respect each other create an environment for success. In addition, it is very important that faculty actively engage with their students both in and out of the classroom setting. If you encounter a student who wants to leave LU, find out why before you sign off of the drop form. Getting to know your students as human beings can make all the difference in the world when it comes to retention and completion. Just finished reading a terrific article on student engagement titled, "Improving student engagement: Ten proposals for action" by Zepke and Leach that we highly recommend.

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