Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Are you frustrated by the amount of plagiarism that you see each semester? National statistics show that plagiarism is on the rise. We encourage you to take advantage of an upcoming free teleseminar being presented by Caroline Eisner and Meggin McIntosh on Tuesday, February 1. The teleseminar will focus on how to prevent plagiarism, how to create plagiarism-proof assignments, and how to detect plagiarism. Have you heard of the term success coaching? Eric Hoover says that "success coaches help students with various challenges, like getting along with roommates, overcoming homesickness, and managing time and money." Many universities are adding this to their arsenal of student retention techniques. A study being released today by the American Enterprise Institute found that, in a sample of parents asked to choose between two public colleges on the basis of their own knowledge and accurate information provided about graduation rates, the parents did care about graduation rates. Providing information about graduation rates increased by 15 percentage points the chance that the parents would prefer the institution with better rates, the study found. The significance of the finding, the report says, is that one way to help more Americans earn degrees is to encourage the enrollment of more students at institutions with better graduation rates than others. Texas is receiving additional competition in the quest for economic development supremacy. State University of New York Chancellor Nancy Zimpher indicated that she wants to see SUNY become a key engine for economic revitalization. It illustrates the multiple mandates faced by higher education institutions everyday.

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