Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We are very excited to announce that Dr. Robert K. Noyd, professor of biology at the U.S. Air Force Academy, will be making a presentation to the LU community on Wednesday, March 23, 2011. The final arrangements are still being made but Dr. Noyd will share his expertise on the topics of overteaching and aligning classroom goals, student experiences, and teacher assessment. Please reserve the day now and look for more information to follow. Lumina Foundation for Education has released a new Degree Qualifications Profile which attempts to quantify student learning. It is notable that at least three accreditation organizations have agreed to test the validity of the profile by using it in their processes. "There is no generally accepted understanding of what quality represents in American higher education," says Jamie P. Merisotis, Lumina's president and chief executive officer. "Our view is that the absence of that shared understanding of what quality means has resulted in employers being dissatisfied with what higher education produces; policy makers being unsure of their investment; and students and families having a lack of clarity about choice of institutions and the relative value of their degrees." As we prepare to participate in the teleseminar on plagiarism, we wanted to remind those of you that have not signed up that there is still time. Visit Dr. Meggin McIntosh's website to register for this free teleseminar. In addition, you might want to take a look at a terrific 2-pager by Drs. Jason M. Stephens and David B. Wangaard that outlines steps you can use to prevent cheating in your classroom.

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